Puketira Deer
The name of our farm is Puketira Deer, loosely translated from Maori it means “hill with the outstanding view” we think that is a pretty apt description of where we live! The Maori people, in fact the “Waitaha” were the first to settle in New Zealand, they were incredible navigators and explorers who traveled on great voyages out of the Pacific to Aotearoa ( New Zealand - the land of the long white cloud),
As it was then so it is now. Waikari is a land of gentle rolling hills, of soaring limestone escarpments, surrounded by a ring of snow capped mountains. It doesn't rain very often, can be very dry in the summer, very cold in the winter but its sweet healthy stock country where we produce tender, succulent farm raised venison for a discerning international market. A market that expects a quality product that is safe, wholesome and produced in an environmentally sustainable manner.Proud Winners of the Environment Canterbury Water Quality Award, and the Beef + Lamb Livestock Quality Award at the Canterbury Ballance Farm Environment Awards.