May 2017
Early May we receive a phone call inviting us to enter the Deer Industry bi-ennial environmental awards. Its tempting to say No but we are conscious that farming needs to promote its environmental track record so we agree. The judging team duly turn up and proceed to video us as we describe our farming operation – this is not quite what we expected! As one of the judges has been to our property now three times in the past nine years it feels more like an audit rather than a competition. It certainly makes us aware of what has changes have been made to our farming operation over that time.
Later in the month there is the opportunity to get off farm and go to Wellington for the Advance Party annual conference followed by the Deer Industry’s National Conference. Both events are very positive and informative. We come away pleased to be part of an industry that appears to have a good future. However one of the keynote speakers – Kaila Colbin presented a challenging address “Riding the exponential wave of change“ (you can view her address on : )
This address talked about the rapid pace of technology bringing about change including self driving cars, synthetic meat, milk and eggs. Its all a bit scary and makes one pause to consider where quality farm raised venison will feature. However, I believe the deer industry is up to this challenge – we have a delicious, tender product that will continue to be sought after by a discerning international customer. We also have a great story behind our product and we need to keep telling our story.